Wednesday, January 14, 2015

So... I am new to blogging.  I am not sure how all of this goes, but I am going to give it a try.  I am still completely certain what this blog is for.  It is for me, for sure, to release some of the mess in my head that comes with the everyday life of a full-time working woman and a full-time mother of three: J (girl 23 months) A (boy 10 years) and B (girl six months).  Hopefully, it will find its way to you and serve some purpose in your life.  I am fully aware and even accepting that this said purpose may be to make you laugh (with or more correctly AT me at times), allow you a venue to judge me or maybe even help you out at times.  I hope some of you enjoy this adventure with me... Cheers to happy blogging!

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